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Physical activity

Active Partnerships

A nationwide physical activity and sport network that exists to create a healthier, fairer nation. They take a place-based approach to reducing inequalities through 43 local Active Partnerships.


A UK wide charity promoting fairness and equity for young people through grassroots sport and physical activity.

Sporting Equals

A nationwide charity working on race inclusion in sport and physical activity. A System Partner for both Sport England and Sport Scotland.

Sport for Development Coalition

UK-wide movement of 400+ charities, civil society organisations, leagues, clubs and networks using targeted sport and physical activity-based interventions to address health and societal inequalities.

Women in Sport 

Women in Sport’s purpose is to create lasting positive change for women and girls in sport and society.

Physical activity for people with disabilities

Activity Alliance

The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity.

Peter Harrison Centre for Disability Sport

The Centre contributes significantly to research and practice in disability sport. It consists of two main research strands: Sport Performance and Health and Wellbeing.

Indices of Multiple Deprivation

Check the Index of Multiple Deprivation for the area in which you deliver work:

Energy efficient community buildings

A selection of resources from the Centre for Sustainable Energy

Building energy efficiency for community buildings

This handy guide highlights what you should do to improve energy efficiency in your community building and how to create a meaningful action plan to make it happen.

Undertaking your own Energy survey for community buildings

A document to guide you through an energy audit of your community building so that you can identify the
most effective options for energy efficiency improvements.

Estimating the cost and return of installing roof mounted solar panels

Solar Wizard calculates the potential to generate electricity from rooftop solar panels for homes in England, Scotland and Wales.