Grant amount: £30,000
Muslim Sports Foundation
- Grant programme: Active Lives
- Region: Nationwide
Towards the cost of delivering MSF's national programmes

About the organisation
Muslim Sports Foundation is the leading grassroots organisation innovatively seeking to inspire, guide and facilitate communities to implement healthy, active lifestyles. Our prioritised focus is planted at grassroots level community engagement within a safe, diverse, and ethically cohesive environment.
Organisation’s objectives:
Increase participation, create sustainable projects, develop coaches/volunteers, create a nationwide network of hubs, solidify governance, expand ANSAR delivery, develop campaigns

About the project
The Peter Harrison Foundation grant enabled us to do several initiatives. We were able to provide consultancy work to partners within sport. Sustsain some of our most beneficial programmes in Peterborough, Birmingham and Bradford and we hosted our first ever conference which was a huge success in raising awarness of the work we do. The projects within the locations stated above included; interventions for diverse women through fitness, opportunities for young children through football and mutlisports. We were lucky enough to take young children to the countryside to develop their orienteering skills. Most of these young people live in inner city deprived areas who would rarely get the opportunity to discover green spaces and national parks. The womens fitness has seen hundred of women come through the doors, often from deprived, ethnically diverse backgrounds. Women with long term health conditions have really benefited from the PHF grant as it allowed MSF to sustain the relationship with the communities we work with and offer interventions with great physical, social and emotional benefits.
Impact of PHF’s support
- 139 Mosques signed up (Active Sunnah campaign) only able to help 18
- 52 further Mosques & 26 community groups ready for action
- Consultancy Work
- Total affiliates including mosques is 195
- Upskilled 60 volunteers – 32 females
- Ansar, 44 delivery programs (Including the Ansar Madrassah League)
- Programs across 45 different towns and cities across England
Our main beneficiaries are ethnically diverse communities, young people, women and girl, low socioeconomic groups and people with long term health conditions.

How does your organisation exemplify PHF’s values?
- MSF creates and implements best practice via our projects to ensure they are culuturally inclusive and a safe splace for all. This is done by removing as many barriers as possible towards participation towards communities that are mislabelled as hard to reach.
- We operate with the sole purpose of making a difference to lives, whether that’s through paritipcation, volunteering, coaching, there are opportunities for all to benefit from MSF and motivation to develop beyond grassroots.
- Our work is completely transparent, we go above and beyone to ensure we are culturally sensitive, use the right language and shine light positively of the communities we work with. We have reflected the real needs of the communities through extensive research to ensure the needs are being met and we work collaboratively with other organisations to ensure this is a joint effort towards developing inclusive practices.
- We have worked well in the last 2 years to develop partnerships with NGB’s and work on projects together to ensure our mission and and objectives are being met. Since the Active Sunnah Campaign, we have worked with organisations such as swimming, Football clubs, Youth Sport Trust and many more, often using us as a consultany base to help them with achieveing project goals which has expanded our work massively.